Thrush Nightingale
Thrush Nightingale
Thrush Nightingale
Scientific Name 
Luscinia luscinia
Arabic Name 
العندليب الشائع
Kuwaiti name 
كلب أشول
16.0 cm
Least Concern
Similar species 


Uncommon passage migrant; rare summer visitor. This elusive species often skulks in thickets. It is probably quite widespread in Kuwait and sometimes seen in groups; an exceptional count of 99 birds was recorded in late April 1968.
Where in Kuwait 
A skulking and seldom seen species that is more often hidden deep inside its habitat than out in the open. It has been recorded at Al Abraq, Tuhla in SAANR and the Jahra area.
In the world 
It has an extremely large range and in Europe, trends since 1980 show that populations have undergone a moderate increase. It breeds in Europe and Asia and winters in Africa. Its distribution is more northerly than the very closely related Common Nightingale. It is similar in appearance to the Common Nightingale, but is a little darker with a mottled breast and its greyer tones, giving a cloudy appearance to the underside
Local threats 
Habitat loss and degradation