Photos by Mohammad Khorshed

Mohammad Khorshed

A Kuwaiti production operator who works for KOC. A very keen birder and creative photographer who was inspired to take up the hobby after seeing many good images on the internet since 2007.

Codified in BoK book: 
Photos contributed
Blue Rock Thrush (Male)
Blue-headed Wagtail (Female or immature)
Black-headed Wagtail (Male)
Grey-headed Wagtail (Male)
Yellow-headed Wagtail (Male)
Citrine Wagtail (Male spring)
Richard’s Pipit
Tawny Pipit (Breeding plumage)
Buff-bellied Pipit
European Greenfinch
European Goldfinch
Common Linnet (Non-breeding plumage)
Common Linnet (Female winter)
Eastern Cinereous Bunting (Male breeding plumage)
